
I am Hannah-Grace, owner of Wild Child Co. !! 🥳🥳 I strive to be kind, loving, & radiate positivity in all that I do. I’m a work from home mom and own a business with my husband! He travels and I stay home with little man 👣 so creativity is my me time!! 
I plan to grow WCC to be the best it can possibly be. I plan to start including items for your bigger kiddos and of course, YOU! I absolutely love what I do, from making each item to supply orders! If you have any new ideas for me, I'm all ears! I also plan to take WCC to many pop ups and vendor/craft fairs, so If you know of any, reach out! I hope to see some of your beautiful faces there! 
-All of our products have been third party safety tested. They also are CPSC compliant and certified. We use food grade silicone, free of all harsh chemicals, lead free stainless steel, and all natural beach woods.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the continued support,  I am always here for questions, concerns or even ideas! My door (or inbox 😂) is always open. Feel free to message me anytime, I love to chat about WCC or just about your day 🤷🏼‍♀️
I’m so grateful for you and your support, stay tuned for some WCC growth and thank you always 🫶🏼🫶🏼

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